
Demonstrative pronouns are the English this, that, these and those. Pre-Kaddesol has the same set of pronouns, deriving from the same root as the adverbs kjē and tla .


Pre-Kaddesol does not feature a definite article per se, but it can express definiteness through demonstrative pronouns.

In their base form, demonstrative pronouns are indefinite by default. They can express definition with the addition of the -m suffix in reference to animate antecedents and the -t suffix in reference to inanimate antecedents.

For example:

  • makjēm kahwē the knife
  • kitlat kiēga the land

Either the proximal or distal demonstratives can be used in expressing definiteness.


Proximal Demonstrative Pronoun

makjē , this, these.

  • The masculine proximal demonstrative pronoun is consistent with a Class I noun:

    Case Sing. Dl. Pl.
    nom. makjē mnakjē ḡakjē
    acc. mēkjē mnēkjē ḡēkjē
    gen. mikjē mnikjē ḡikjē
    dat. mukjē mnukjē ḡukjē
  • The feminine proximal demonstrative pronoun is consistent with a Class IV noun:

    Case Sing. Dl. Pl.
    nom. njakjē nenjakjē hakjē
    acc. njēkjē nenjēkjē hēkjē
    gen. njikjē nenjikjē hikjē
    dat. njukjē nenjukjē hukjē
  • The bestial proximal demonstrative pronoun is consistent with a Class III noun:

    Case Sing. Dl. Pl.
    nom. nakjē mnekjē ḡakjē
    acc. nēkjē mnēkjē ḡēkjē
    gen. nikjē mnikjē ḡikjē
    dat. nukjē mnukjē ḡukjē
  • The inanimate proximal demonstrative pronoun is consistent with a Class II noun:

    Case Sing. Dl. Pl.
    nom. kikjē kigekjē gikjē
    acc. kukjē kugekjē gukjē
    gen. kekjē kegekjē gekjē
    dat. kōkjē kōgekjē gōkjē

Distal Demonstrative Pronoun

matla njatla natla kitla , that, those.

  • The masculine distal demonstrative pronoun is consistent with a Class I noun:

    Case Sing. Dl. Pl.
    nom. matla mnatla ḡatla
    acc. mētla mnētla ḡētla
    gen. mitla mnitla ḡitla
    dat. mutla mnutla ḡutla
  • The feminine distal demonstrative pronoun is consistent with a Class IV noun:

    Case Sing. Dl. Pl.
    nom. njatla nenjatla hatla
    acc. njētla nenjētla hētla
    gen. njitla nenjitla hitla
    dat. njutla nenjutla hutla
  • The bestial distal demonstrative pronoun is consistent with a Class III noun:

    Case Sing. Dl. Pl.
    nom. natla mnetla ḡatla
    acc. nētla mnētla ḡētla
    gen. nitla mnitla ḡitla
    dat. nutla mnutla ḡutla
  • The inanimate distal demonstrative pronoun is consistent with a Class II noun:

    Case Sing. Dl. Pl.
    nom. kitla kigetla gitla
    acc. kutla kugetla gutla
    gen. ketla kegetla getla
    dat. kōtla kōgetla gōtla